Corporate Blogging stats

A great resource for taking the temperature of the Blogosphere is Technorati. They are the primary source for a significant amount of data regarding which corporations utilize the technology. Ever more pervasive as a form of legitimate media presence, blogs and other Web 2.o technologies are vital to maintaining a cutting edge image for a company, and provide an avenue for individualized, independent expression in the name of the company.

One of the most important aspects of their studies is acknowledging the "rising class of professional blogger" who blog for corporations or business, as an official representatives.

For the 2009 State of the Blogosphere, they surveyed a total of 2,900 bloggers for the reason they maintain blogs:

• Hobbyists (72%)
• Part-Timers (15%)
• Corporate (4%)
• Self Employeds (9%)

11.000 blogs are connected via Lijit for Technorati's index, and those blogrolls connect to another 2.5 million blogs. So the connectivity of blogs is an expansive reservoir that cannot be underestimated.

One key statistic is the fact that reading blogs is second only to watching TV as the activity with the mist hours devoted to it week by week.

For a brief look into Technorati's reports, visit The State of the Blogosphere 2009